Investigating marine citizenship and it’s role in creating good marine environmental health
About my PhD
My interdisciplinary research was funded by the Economic and Social Reserach Council (ESRC) and was completed at the University of Exeter Geography Department in 2021.
I drew on a range of disciplines including human geography, environmental science, environmental psychology, and green politics.
I used pure mixed methods, gathering and integrating quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected through online survey, in person interview, and ethnographic observation in an iterative process.
Key findings were re-defining marine citizenship, discovering a generic marine place attachment, and developing a Marine Identity Theory operating in the value-action gap and motivating marine citizenship.
Marine citizenship is exercising the right to participate in the transformation of the human-ocean relationship.
Find out more
Citizens of the Sea
This report summarises my PhD findings in a more accessible way. No data, no charts, no scientific references. Read about my PhD approach and findings in brief.
Phd Thesis
Find my full PhD thesis here. 400 pages of in-depth science. Enjoy!