Marine Identity Conceptualisation

Codeveloping the concept of marine identity

As part of an ESRC funded Fellowship at Exeter University, I am leading a workshop for marine practitioners and researchers to discuss what marine identity means for marine citizenship.

The research builds on my PhD research findings that marine identity may fill the value- and knowledge-action gaps, driving people to take action.

“Marine identity is an identity rooted in the way in which the ocean as a place supports the sense of self”.

— Buchan (2021)

This research is in support of the UN Ocean Decade: Challenge 10 to change humanity’s relationship with the ocean.

The purpose of the online workshop was to:

1) Develop an international community of marine researchers and practitioners who are interested in marine (ocean) identity and its role in supporting marine citizenship (Team Challenge 10); and

2) Co-develop an international baseline understanding of the concept of marine (ocean) identity – how it develops and changes – and the potential implications of marine identities for marine citizenship and transforming humanity’s relationship with the ocean.

Our paper is currently undergoing peer review.

Please get in touch if you want to find out more.


Marine citizenship research (PhD)